Sunday, 5 December 2010

Evaluation: Question Two

How effective is the combination of your main task and ancillary tasks?

Monday, 22 November 2010

Evaluation: Question one

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

seeing other professional media institutes, it is clear to me that the quality of these products is impressive because of the time spent on them and the detail produced. Every media product would have to be created in this way to make them more eye catching and attractive to the audience.

One main media convention problems shown in media products is trying to keep your trailer interesting and not boring. Most trailers that are made in modern time either show all the best parts of the film in a trailer or shown barely nothing which makes the film look boring. So it was a task to try and make my film look like a real trailer, trying to keep enough scenes in to make the film but trying to not make it boring. Another problem that trailers is that the music in the background sometimes doesn't fit with the genre of the trailer, and i couldn't use a song that was already written so I decided to create my own soundtrack on GarageBand and i think that the music fits well with the trailer.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Recce of Location

these images are where film will filmed. The kitchen area as seen in this images are where we see most of our main character. The light in the actually film will be darker, which will then give us the dark feel to my film and trailer. The other scene was filmed outside as at dark it seemed more suspenseful and scary which would set the tone to my trailer.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Sketches of Institutional logos

This is the final version of one of my logos called river productions. I'm not sure iw ill use it though as i don't like the way it has turned out as me as a person couldn't take this serious enough. It just doesn't have a professional look about it.

This is the final version of River Productions. I like how this logo is more detailed then my last one and overall it's the more eye catching one.

Source the copyright free soundtrack

For the soundtrack of my film i was planning on writing a letter to a record label and seeing if they would give me permission to use their tracks, but seeing as we can't do that anymore I decided to create my own soundtrack using tracks that me and my band have recorded ourselves so i wouldn't need to ask anyone for permission as I have created it. Another way of making my soundtrack is using the program called "Garage-band" as some of the tracks that my band play are very rocky which might not fit in certain parts of the trailer so i could create some tracks in "Garage-band" so that it fits in with the genre of the film. "Garage Band" which allows users to create music. I see that using this program as a good opportunity as then i will have created everything in my trailer, I will have filmed it, Edited it, Directed it and then created the music for it. so i feel like i will have accomplished something by creating everything to do with the film .

Track 1

Track 2

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Extra Planning

I decided to do some extra planning as the genre of my film trailer will a crime/gangster caper. Firstly I viewed the trailer above making note of how many different shots were used, like the uses of close ups, long shots, high angle and low angle shots. I also looked at how fast the editing was done for this trailer and it's quite fast with shots lasting no longer than 3-4 seconds long. The beginning and the end of the trailer has the companies titles, usually in big bold font so the audience can recognise it.
There's also non diegetic played throughout the trailer, even when the characters are speaking, it's just that the song is lower in the mix so the audience can hear what the characters are saying. Another thing I noticed is that theres a lot of freeze framing which happens when introduced to a character and it also features a title bold title by the side of the character with a name, presumably the characters name. The main point of the story is explained through dialogue and titles.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Proposal of Ideas

The narrative of my trailer will be set with the most important parts and segments that will give the audience an idea of what the movie is about. The genre of my film will be a coming of age film. Other films in that genre would be Snatch or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. The Films Genre aims at 15 to 24 year old as the movie is about coming of age which this age group will be familiar because they will be able to connect to the film better then people over the age of 30 etc. This movie wouldn't aim at people the age of under 15 or over the age of 24 as the viewers over that age may think the film is a bit stupid or they won't relate to the film like how the other target age would. Basically the trailer will be set in a linear motion so that audiences understand what is happening in the film, but i will not show a opening or a closing, it will basically so the audience the problem and how the character is trying to solve that problem. The problem will be told to the audience by 2 characters. the supporting character tells the main character what trouble he is in.
The poster for my film will be featuring the characters of my film in the clothing and props that are featured in the film. While the the title for the film will be in big bold font underneath the image of the characters and props. The background of my poster will have one of the locations mainly used on the film so that the audience can recognise with the film more then if they have seen the poster. The Magazine cover for my film will be similar to my poster. It will have some changes to the poster as the main character will be more focused upon and centred more with the titles surrounding the character to make him stand out more. with the other characters in the background showing being less important then the main character.

Institutional Context

For my Movie, the construction of it's products by the institutes would be made by 2 different companies. The movie trailer and movie poster would be created by same distribution company and the magazine would be made by another. Even though it may feature the movie product frequently it might not have a department in the company that makes posters etc. So they may have to make a deal with another company to get the movie poster created to a good quality. I have created 3 different logos and i will show them to a group and ask them to pick the 2 best ones and they will become my logos for my film. The first idea i had for a logo was to have a detailed drawn image of earth and have in a nice attractive front saying "Earth Productions".
The next logo i did had has the image of a car looking like it is moving at a high speed, the title of this production is "Motor Productions" and my last one is just a river/stream and the words "River Productions" look like they are in the water.
Out of all 3 productions my favorite idea would have to be "Earth Productions" as i think it's the most unique one and it's more eye catching then the others as i think it's the most professional looking one out of the three. The idea that i don't like at all is "Motor Productions" as the logo itself is just too boring, there is nothing eye catching about it and there's nothing professional about it.

Primary Research

For my primary research i created a questionnaire with appropriate questions to see what the audience would like to see in a movie. I figured that this would be a easy and quick way to gather information for my trailer. I wrote the questions which would give me the answers i needed in which i can created my film. Here are the questions.

Q1: Are you male or female?

Q2: What age are you?

Q3: What is your favorite genre of film?

Q4: What is it about this film poster that attracts you to see the film?

Q5. What is it about this film trailer that attracts you to seeing the film?

Q6: What do you think is the most important part of a film?

Q7: Which of these advertising methods do you think is best?
Magazine Film Poster

Q8: What is your favorite aspect of a film?

Q9: Are Costumes or props important to you or if the story is good enough will it drive the film for you?

Q10: Do you enjoy twists in films or as they are getting popular would you prefer a straight forward storyline?

I passed this questionnaire throughout the college asking people who are in my target group of the trailer, seeing what answers they would give so i could based my products around the specification of the group who answered the questionnaire. When i got my answers back from the questionnaire i could see that the majority where male, based around the age of 16-19, with their favorite genre being action and comedy. Everyone who answered my questionnaire said that they watched films quite frequently in their homes or at the cinema, the people said that they preferred seeing not seeing all the best parts of the film in the trailer as when seeing the film they would become disappointed, but from what i found out they would still need some important parts of the film like maybe the first equilibrium and the disruption of the equilibrium. After the asking the people what they thought about the products from the film "Snatch", they answered the questions by telling that what attracted them to the product.

Snatch Trailer
My audience said that it was the fast paced editing that attracted them to the movie as they get the feeling that the film will fast paced. They also said that they liked the freeze frames as they get an idea of the characters that are featured in the film and they also get to see which famous actors are in the film too.

Snatch Film Poster
My audience mentioned the fact that they like how the characters are made to stand out against a white background, and how the characters themselves to make them stand out more so they made to be the main part of this film. Another part that was noticed is the quotations, as if you hear that it's a good film, it will create curiosity so you'll want to see the film more.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Secondary Research

My target audience will be teenagers of the age of 15-19 as my movie trailer will be a coming of age film, so the audience of that age can understand and link to the film itself. As you can see by this comparable profile from for the movie Adulthood as the movie is similar to the movie genre i have chose for my trailer. Adulthood was aimed at mostly 15-24 year olds as the movie is about coming of age and the characters are heavily based round the age of 15-24. Though the movie can be watched by others of a different age groups over that age, but it would really relate to them. I also had a look on the website and researched through all the tribes on there and I think that my film would be aimed at most of the tribes on there apart from geeks as they are seen to be very anti-social.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Textual Analysis

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

1. Action plan (this will still be updated throughout the process)

2. Textual Analysis (2x detailed deconstructions of teaser trailers from the same genre as you intend to produce, 2 x deconstructions of film posters from the same genre as you intend to produce, 2 x deconstructions of film magazine front covers) with a detailed write up of how your research will influence what you produce (what codes and conventions will you use and why or what codes and conventions will you challenge and why?). You could create prezi’s for this, a video of you discussing the texts whilst you screen the texts in the background of the shot, you could even peg posters on your washing line and video yourself pointing to and discussing specific codes and conventions etc. The more creative your approach the better. You can also import JPEG’s or embed videos and write about them.

3. Secondary Audience Research with write up of whom, specifically, the target audience is (after researching the audience profiles of products similar to the ones that you intend to produce). You can use to do this. Also, create a montage (photographic or video and edit it to a soundtrack) of who the audience is. Write a short account of how who the audience is will affect what codes and conventions you’ll use.

4. Primary Audience Research - Questionnaire & Focus group with detailed write up of findings and how they will influence the product you create (as with textual research what codes and conventions will you incorporate or challenge and why?). Try and video your focus group and embed it into your blog or photograph the people from your focus group.

5. Institutional Context - write up of the companies involved in the production and distribution of your product and how their status affects the product. Also you'll need to include a write up of the stages of production involved in creating trailer and the subsequent print productions. Higher marks will be awarded for students who acknowledge how this will affect them (what roles they will take on and the skills they need). You should refer to for the process of film production.

6. Proposal of Ideas – Create a treatment for your entire film (outline of the story). Then discuss the narrative of your trailer (how will it be structured?) and the genre (how will it be apparent what he genre is – think about the genres repertoire, offering the viewer familiar pleasures, character types etc.). You should also discuss your two ancillary products (poster & magazine cover).

7. Source the copyright free soundtrack – where did you find it? Provide the website and technology you’ll use to create it. If it’s from an unsigned artist you need to have a signed permission letter from them. If you can embed a copy of the song into your blog that would be excellent

8. Sketches of Institutional logos that you’ve created alongside evidence of these being produced during the construction process or initial planning stages ( you should make a post ready for the construction of your logo)

9 . Storyboard – this needs to be detailed and in colour with the shot distance, camera movement, shot length and sound clearly identified. You could make a post it note storyboard and scan it in or you can use our template on the IDrive.

10. Flatplans – Detailed and in colour for your film magazine cover and film poster (with supporting rationale, justifying the design choices made - the connotations of this and how it will appeal to the intended audience)

11. Animatic (with sound and appropriate transitions). This is where you film and edit your storyboard with the appropriate shot duration, soundtrack and sound effects. Upload it to youtube and then embed it into your blog

12 . Photoshoot Plans (for every location you intended to shoot in)

13. Recce (this needs to be detailed and cover every location that you intend to film or photoshoot in)

14. Call Sheets – create one for every person that will be acting/modeling in your production

15. Scripts (If needed)

16 Skills Development – any skills development activities you have done or tutorials from the Internet should be uploaded with a discussion of what skills you have developed and what benefit these will have on your production.

17. Photoshoot Images Uploaded during construction Phase (with brief discussion of what you like / dislike about the photograph)

18. Shooting Schedules These will be uploaded after you have filmed

19. Screen shots of the construction process These will be added during the construction process you should use the grab feature on the mac to take screen shots of final cut pro and print screen of you working in photoshop. You should produce a write up of what features you’ve been using and how your skills are developing.

20. Rough Cuts These will be uploaded during the construction process. You should include rough cuts of your trailer by embedding it from Youtube and rough cuts of your poster and magazine cover. Alongside these you should include some audience feedback which suggests what the strengths and weaknesses are followed by how you intend to improve the work. You could record people providing feedback or upload your work to facebook, get feedback, take a screenshot (save it as a JPEG) and upload to your blog. You can also invite people to comment on your work in Youtube.

21. Photographs or Videos of you producing the work. Take regular shots or mini videos of you producing the work and then expand on this with annotation or bullet points of the process you’ve been going through.

22. Regular Audience Feedback with discussion of refinements that will be made in light of this. You MUST evidence, ongoing, audience feedback and for the evaluation be able to discuss this in some detail alongside evidencing a detailed knowledge of why audience feedback is important. You could do this via Youtube, facebook, focus groups, individual interviews etc.