Monday, 9 August 2010

Source the copyright free soundtrack

For the soundtrack of my film i was planning on writing a letter to a record label and seeing if they would give me permission to use their tracks, but seeing as we can't do that anymore I decided to create my own soundtrack using tracks that me and my band have recorded ourselves so i wouldn't need to ask anyone for permission as I have created it. Another way of making my soundtrack is using the program called "Garage-band" as some of the tracks that my band play are very rocky which might not fit in certain parts of the trailer so i could create some tracks in "Garage-band" so that it fits in with the genre of the film. "Garage Band" which allows users to create music. I see that using this program as a good opportunity as then i will have created everything in my trailer, I will have filmed it, Edited it, Directed it and then created the music for it. so i feel like i will have accomplished something by creating everything to do with the film .

Track 1

Track 2

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